And the loneliest guy on Bay Street today is?
It certainly isn’t Bill Vlaad. And Andy Willis is always sought after. Jim Leech will be inundated with new investment banking pitchbooks, now that KPMG has freed up $4 billion or so of equity firepower at OTPPB. Many hedge fund managers will have to disconnect their home telephone numbers, just to avoid the more direct redemption requests that will follow Q4. Mark Healy’s phone at Torque Customer Strategy is ringing off the hook, courtesy of the machine at the Report on Business.
The loneliest guy on Bay Street today must certainly be the salesman from Walkers’ Point Marina. He has rented some space in Brookfield Place, and has a booth in the atrium just near a new 24 foot burgundy Cobalt. It’s up on stilts; much like the rest of Bay Street.
In prior years, our boat dealer has had three boats on display. He’s either cut back on the inventory up North, or didn’t want to spend the extra gas to trailer three boats down the 400.
If you’re in the neighbourhood, stop by and chum with him for a bit. There are 32 “non current Cobalts available at his dock– ouch. If you’re feeling really carefree, but haven’t yet got your “number” from your i-bank, use this fake pay stub service:
No Job? Facing Foreclosure? Need Proof of Income? Prove Employment and Income FAST and Get The Credit or Loan You and your family Needs To Survive This Crisis! Is a Great Resource For Proving or showing proof of income to Anyone that asks! Create Fake Pay Check Stubs and Make a Payroll stub Instantly!
Our man from Walker’s Point might just agree to do a deal. Even if you don’t buy the boat, your spouse might prefer to see a bonus statement generated by, rather than know the truth!
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