Nortel's "Alice in Wonderland" math

1 response

  1. Don't be a Lemming says:

    I’d assume part of the difference in figures is because not all of Nortel’s CDMA and LTE biz is in Canada. The $149 million valuation is likely for the CANADIAN portion of those assets.

    God forbid that we even consider that some of Nortel’s CDMA and LTE value lies….it can’t be….outside of Canada’s sovereign borders.

    Also, the LTE patents aren’t part of the E/// sale, only CDMA patents. Don’t overestimate the value of patents for an old and declining wireless technology.

    E/// is buying a cash cow (CDMA biz), access to (but not ownership of) LTE patents, LTE engineers, and a quick entry into the NA market. How many of those items translates into book value?

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