Even Shark Tankers are confused

5 responses

  1. Philip Papadopoulos says:

    Marketing & mis-information! O’Leary has taken his “personal brand” to the level of Donald Trump.

  2. Beta says:

    So what’s the deal with your hate obsession with O’Leary, did he beat you up on the playground of UCC when you guys were kids or something?

    • Mark McQueen says:


      Thanks for stopping by. There’s no hate. I went to a public high school (Humberside Collegiate), so didn’t cross paths with him at UCC. Since he’s raised $500 million from retail investors over the past year, he’s obviously a Rock Star in the capital markets. Given the traffic regarding KO posts, it seems people are keen for pithy information from time to time.

      Don’t you find this misnomer “Billionaire” label a bit curious?

      Do people think you’re a billionaire? And if they did, and you weren’t, wouldn’t you want to snuff that rumour out?


  3. Philip Papadopoulos says:

    Why snuff the rumour out? Keeping it alive adds to the “Rock Star” status, and “adds credibility” to his pontificating.

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