Quick uptick on Skype?

1 response

  1. Matt Roberts says:

    Some thoughts on the user count – the 8.1 M figure of paying customers represents roughly 7% of their ‘Avg connected’ users online. I would take this to mean that there’s roughly 105M user using the service on average. Though they state in the filings they have grown this number by 30M this quarter which doesn’t seem to jive with my thinking. As that would show the 8.1M up from 7.3M should have been 2.1M more paying customers putting it at 9.4M.

    The success of Skype going forward is on the ‘skype for business’ product mix that they are rolling out. The ebb and flow of Toll by-pass that they offer to consumers will be eroded by the traditional carriers – but this could be their big opportunity if they can grow it from its current ‘negligible’ addition to their revenue.

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