Currency Gods aren't shining on CPPIB

1 response

  1. Schlumph says:

    You are raising an important idea, that CPPIB is supposed to actually make a profit. Every investor in foreigfn markets has to make a currency call, and to delink this from investment performance as some sort of unique externatlity is just intellectually lazy.

    IRR is the measure of relevance for private equity. The scaling up of PE and the timing of doing so is among the most important decisions CPPIB has made. Suggesting average annual returns (a terrible practice started by Teachers and perpetuated by its followers), excluding currency are simply not bringing to account how they and their staff are actually doing. Funds aside, how are the vaunted direct investments going? Anything other than Skpe to talk about here?

    The poor disclosures make it is obvious that the CPPIB program has not, PE in particular, and no doubt its direct investments, at this juncture, made any money!! The truth is hard, but that’s what people are paid (well) to deal with – isn’t it? Why not face up to this, no one wants CPPIB to do poorly, but I don’t want literally hundreds of billions to be managed by people who make no money after a decade of trying. If anyone is listening: Break it up into managable chunks, diversify the asset management please.

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