Canada's housing punch bowl still serving, 12 months later

1 response

  1. 416expat says:

    Mark, could I play devil’s advocate here for a bit?

    – Not every house has a mortgage, and not every mortgage has a 35 year tenor. Currently only 22% of Canadian mortgages exceed 25 years. Could this slice of homebuyers explain all of the price increase we’ve been seeing?
    – Not every 35 year mortgage is doomed to fail. In some cases (investors or some young professionals) they could be a suitable tool. Zero-am mortgages are still par for the course in the UK, and in spite of low interest rates, the UK market has seen eroding prices through 2010.
    – I think there’s more driving Canadian housing prices than debt funding instruments. My general view is that Canadian housing hasn’t been bogged down by political or economic strain as with the US and UK, and domestic demand is supplemented by immigration (especially into our largest housing markets, our large cities).

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