Wellington Financial Announces $177 Million Fund IV

3 responses

  1. Roger Chabra says:

    Congratulations Mark & team. Very good news for us all! Good luck in finding the best and brightest to invest this fund in.

  2. Mark MacLeod says:

    Congrats! Solid track record and well deserved new pile of dough

  3. Heidi says:

    In his BNN interview on Sept.5th,2012, Mr. Howard Wetston, chairman of the OSC, said that the Sino-forest case was very challenging, because it is an international affair. We are shareholders of Sino-forest and we want to ask Mr. Wetston the following questions regarding the OSC’s allegation against Sino-forest:

    1) Does the OSC still think that “the absence of certificates is per se the evidence of fraud”?

    2) Does the OSC get any international co-operation from the PRC, what effort has the OSC tried and whom or which department has the OSC got contact:
    – Government officials: Chairman Hu Jintao or Prime Minister Wen Jiabao?
    – Forestry bureau, Minister Zhao Shucong or former Minister Jia Zhibang (who sit beside Allen Chan in the famous photo)?
    – Chinese police department?

    3) Have the OSC officials ever been to mainland China to see/locate the Sino-forest’s forestlands which the OSC alleged not exist?

    4) Have the OSC officials ever been to mainland China and let the former executives of Sino-forest to show the OSC those forestlands they bought? Did they refuse to do so or did they fail to do so?

    5) Where does the OSC get source information? If the OSC has referred the Muddy Waters report, did the OSC be able to verify the accuracy of the information in the report?

    6) Why the investigation of the OSC get to different conclusion with that of the IC? Does the OSC think the IC is wrong and trying to mislead the public?

    7) Has the OSC read the Sino-forest’s claim statement against Muddy Waters & Hedge funds? Does the OSC think that this claim statement is untrue and misleading to the public?

    For such an affair as Sino-forest’s, which has deep influence in various areas, including the bilateral relationship of Canada and China, the credibility of Chinese enterprises, environment for business practices in China, Canadian securities markets, and of course, the huge lose of shareholders of Sino-forest, shouldn’t the OSC at least held a conference for answering the questions from reporters and the public?

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