Canada'a Top 40 "Men" under 40 part 2
We got some good feedback from our post earlier this week about the poor job that the Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 organizers did in finding young women for their annual list. Only 5 of the 40 “winners” were not men. Yet more than half of the university graduation classes this year will be female. What happens to them between the age 22 and 39? Why can’t Caldwell find them and celebrate their success?
The photo today in the Globe and Mail (the Globe is a media partner of Caldwell’s Top 40 marketing event) is telling.
If you’re the professional photographer, and you have a group of 40 people, but only 5 are women, what do you do? Put the women at the front of the assembled group, naturally!
Nice try.
The numbers are shameful, regardless of how hard the art department tries to hide it.
Well said! When I saw the photo/ad in the Globe I was partly heart-broken and partly infuriated. Right away I noticed the intended deception (what, do they think we are all stupid?) and actually counted the few women in the photo. I also noticed how few of the winners work for not-for-profits or the social-services sector.
What a sad state of affiars, and what a huge discouragement and disincentive to professional women like me.