Bizarro AIMo part 5

1 response

  1. dave says:

    Dear Sir,

    I very much value and enjoy the comments on your blog.

    A couple of things to be aware of about the Indian movie production

    A major production in India has a budget of between US$5MM and US$20MM.
    The average movie made in India has a production cost in the vicinity of US$1MM to US$2MM.

    Comparing this with Hollywood, blockbusters cost well over US$200MM to produce, and the the average wide release movie costs US$65MM to make.

    Another vantage point, at the revenue line, the movie industry in India brings in US$1.2B per year (2006) on about 1,000 movies vs. US$50B for the major Hollywood studios on about 200 wide release movies plus about 400 other limited release projects.

    There’s a case that $150M is a pretty substantial raise for movie production in India.

    Best regards,

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