Q3 stats for Venture / Sub / Mezz debt
Here are the year-to-date marketshare statistics for all reported venture debt, sub debt, and mezzanine debt provided to Canadian-based companies. The data is from public and industry sources. The timeline is January – September 2007. Year to date, the market seems to be behind where we were last year, but October has been an active month:
(in millions; marketshare figure in right column; full credit to lead where known)
BMO Capital $70.0 23.2%
BDC Subordinate Finance $66.9 22.2%
Wellington Financial $53.4 17.7%
KERN Partners $25.0 8.3%
MMV $18.0 6.0%
Venturelink $8.2 2.7%
Vengrowth $7.0 2.3%
Knight’s Bridge Capital $3.5 1.2%
Subtotal $290.3 96.2%
Total $301.9 100%
If anyone can help refine or improve this data, please let us know.
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