Not all fuel additives are evil

2 responses

  1. Thank you so much for publicly pointing out that destroying the rainforests of Borneo (or anywhere else for that matter) is not a smart move as we move towards alternative fuel sources.

    My non-profit organization, Orangutan Outreach, is dedicated to helping protect wild orangutans and caring for those already orphaned by the felling of the forests by palm oil interests.

    Our main project, Nyaru Menteng, has been featured on the BBC and most recently on Animal Planet’s ‘Orangutan Island’. We are essentially dealing with one of the most insidious side-effects of palm oil: the wholesale slaughter of orangutans. And we need your help.

    I applaud Wellington Financial’s fundraising efforts and would like to ask for assistance in achieving our goal of saving the orangutans from a brutal and senseless early extinction.

    We are a New York-based registered 501(c)(3) US charity and can be reached via our website:


    Richard Zimmerman
    Director, Orangutan Outreach
    EIN: 26-0521285
    Reach out and save the orangutans!

  2. Pete Toth says:

    Save the monkeys, to hell with the humans! Sheesh.

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