Nanos Research finds Canadians glum on economy
Nanos Research has found that Canadians believe the economy will get weaker this fall, and that interest rates will rise. Not positives for consumer confidence, and suggest that Canadians understand that U.S. economic problems will cascade our way.
If they are worried, you wouldn’t know it by the traffic this past weekend at Toronto-area retail outlets. Men’s clothier Harry Rosen is having a “great year”, and the hallways were packed at the Vaughn Mills Mall on Victoria Day. The waiting lists for Ferraris is as long as ever (so I am told), and the recent Art Auctions in London, U.K. were “strong” according to one Toronto Art Dealer who was in attendance. Nevertheless, most Canadians are feeling glum, and it isn’t just the cool Spring weather. Here are the Nanos Poll results:
In the next six months, do you think the Canadian economy will become stronger, weaker or will there be no change? (1,004,MoE ±3.1%, 19 times out of 20)
Weaker 48%
No Change 35%
Stronger 13%
Unsure 5%
Net – Stronger economy less weaker economy (- 25)
In the next six months, do you believe that interest rates will increase, stay the same or decrease? (1,004,MoE ±3.1%, 19 times out of 20)
Increase 43%
Stay the Same 31%
Decrease 19%
Unsure 7%
Net – Rate increase less rate decrease (+24)”
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