O'Leary Global Equity Income Fund correlates perfectly with the DJ 30

5 responses

  1. Nicholas says:

    I’m an individual accredited invesstor doing some research on future investments. I was looking for information on oge.un and came across your site. impresive!!
    Is it possible for retail investors to invest in your Mirror fund? Also is there a way to track perfomance of your decade of daddy mirror fund.
    Thank you
    Nicholas Marriott

  2. Mark McQueen says:

    We don’t raise funds from retail investors and are neither licenced to give investment advice or manage a stock portfolio. The Mirror Fund is merely attempting to earn returns at least as good as those promised by the O’Leary Global Equity Income Fund. You can track our performance by watching this space.

    Thanks for reading.


  3. David says:

    I commented on one of the original posts on the Mirror Fund because I was researching OGE.UN. At the time I said something to the extent of “I like it, but it isn’t a real Mirror Fund because one of the stated purposes behind OGE.UN is GLOBAL diversification and the Mirror Fund is really only North American “pay daddy” stocks.

    Up until this point, I think the updates have had a bit too much O’Leary Rockstar bashing, but this most recent blog post provides good commentary vis-a-vis how even though OGE.UN is supposed to be global, it is mirroring the performance of the North American markets.

    Food for thought – why take the currency risk on OGE.UN if you can get the same returns in North America.


  4. Mark McQueen says:


    I recall your comment. It was fair, but I wasn’t trying to emulate the strategy, just the outcome.

    What is remarkable is that since the IPO of OGE, the DOw is off 29.7%, and the NAV of OGE is down 30.3%. Clearly, the NAV is down a bit due to the expenses of the fund and the monthly distributions.

    But if you want to be a money manager, performance is what matters. No excuses. I’m glad you appreciated the clincal analysis.


  5. Mark says:

    Although the OGE fund and the Dow have similar returns on the surface, doesn’t OGE have a higher yield/dividend return?

    As of this writing (Nov. 29/08), the bloom seems to be coming off the rose as OGE’s premium seems to be falling quickly.


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