A message for Mats part 2

3 responses

  1. petetoth says:

    Last I heard, Sundin was all set to go to New York until he found out his financial planner had “diversified” 95% of his wealth into the Madoff Ponzi Fund. Oh well, back to square one…

    Mark is right, and I am wrong, as usual…money talks and bullshit walks…the way of the world.

    Question to ponder in that case…if he went for the cash why wait until now? The 20 mil, 2 year offer from the Canucks was on the table early last summer. Do you think he was hoping that by waiting, someone would top it? The Yankees don’t play in the NHL, and there’s a cap to boot.

    In closing, I’d prefer to wait for the proof to trickle in, before believing in your cash-grab theory. There’s more to it than that, we will surely find out soon enough.

    Disclosure: I hate you Mats! 😛

  2. Forex says:

    petetoth> Question to ponder in that case…if he went for the cash why wait until now?


  3. petetoth says:

    By the way, Mark, I wasn’t implying that YOU were being shallow, although looking back at the comment it might have come across that way.

    I think very highly of you, always have, even though I haven’t always shown it. My apologies.

    Cheers, mate…seeing you again was the highlight of my trip.

    Disclosure: Maybe I’ve had one too many beer 😉

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