Give David George-Cosh a break, he's trapped at the bloody Pest!

2 responses

  1. Jason March says:

    No, don’t cut him any slack. This was not a reporter having a “bad day”, this was David George-Cosh being his all too typical self, a diva d******** whose overestimation of his own importance is exceeded only by his c***tish behavior towards PR practitioners (and no, I am not one, but I’m in a position to have heard many stories from many different victims.)

    He’s an a****** whose employer has long turned a blind eye to his behavior, the only difference is now he’s been outed. Good riddance.

  2. Mark McQueen says:


    I know he works at the Pest and all, but as stories go there must be another side to it. Even good guys have bad days. I don’t know what his new job is, but I’m sure Mr. George-Cosh will be glad to have this behind him.

    If we can’t swear in private (which this situation was), without our employer getting squishy, what is this world coming to?


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