List of Madoff's Canadian clients
It would appear that thousands of individuals have suffered at the hands of Bernie Madoff (see prior posts ending with “Madoff debacle may pressure Fund of Funds concept part 3” January 8-09). Naturally, some of the victims will be from Canada. One has to feel the utmost sympathy for the folks that Madoff preyed upon:
BBHF Emerald Ltd (c/o Arjunan Ananthan), Mississauga, Ont. and Hamilton, Bermuda
I. Farber Investment Inc., St. Laurent, P.Q.
Sutha Fergusson, c/o CITCO, Toronto, Ont.
Herbert and Ruth Gamberg, Halifax, N.S.
Allan Harding Gould, Hamilton, Ont.
Nesbitt Thomson Bongard, 150 King Street West Branch, Toronto, Ont.
Judy Pencer, Toronto, Ont.
Barry Rashkovan, St. Laurent , P.Q.
Phillip B. Robinson, La Carre and Westmount, P.Q.
William L. Robinson, Westmount, P.Q.
A. Segal Holdings Inc., Montreal, P.Q.
Woodrock Investment, c/o Gerbro Inc., Montreal, P.Q.
The 162-page U.S. Bankruptcy Court filing doesn’t list the amount each client invested, nor is it known if they still had capital with Madoff on December 11, 2008.
It took them four more hours, but the DTM is out with their “own” version of the same story as of 10:47 this morning. As they’ve long since learned, there are times when you’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to scoop this backwater blog. Give them “credit” for calling the injured party to see how it feels to lose money in a fraud; that’s not something we’re gonna do.
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