D&D Securities "The Morning Call"

6 responses

  1. RMQ says:

    Good read. Wide array of insights. Blog away!

  2. duncan stewart says:

    Agreed — I alway read Ed’s morning thoughts, send them to folks not on his list and miss them when he is on holiday and not writing.

    I don’t always agree with his views, but that’s what makes a market.

  3. Alpha says:

    Good read -I say thumbs up to posting.

  4. gs says:

    agreed… good, concise summary that I’d love to read every morning.

  5. TH says:

    Good reading. Crisp and insightful thoughts… love to see more of this regularly. As an ex-street analyst, always felt that such nice writing is in short supply.

  6. Brad J. says:

    I agree a delay in posting is appropriate given the updates are value-add to your clients. As a matter of habit I check financial blogs on a daily basis, so if I am typical then this type of update could easily find a repeat audience.

    The real question is, Ed, are you going to post it on the Wellington blog–or make some serious Google Adsense revenues on your own?

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