Recessionary crosscurrents

5 responses

  1. Alpha says:

    1. Ratio of government/quasi-gov’t advertising to commercial advertising on the subway: 3-to-1 (in the good times I noticed the ratio was roughly 2-to-1 in favour of commercial) – negative

    2. My newsstand is selling only 2 of the 5 Financial Times he receives each day, where a year ago he would likely sell out – negative

    3. Tim Horton’s line is still roughly the same size as it was last year when I go for coffee in the morning – even/positive

    4. I can get a contractor (electrician, plumber, etc) into my house within two-days, where last year it would easily take a week to 10-days – negative

    5. Those same contractors still trying and charge way too much for certain jobs – even

    6. Pusateri’s not having a police office to direct Sunday traffic (which I believe they usually do) – negative

    7. People still buying Pusateri’s ridiculous overpriced produce – positive

    8. Number of friend’s/acquaintances who I thought would never lose their jobs – 4 (number usually 0-1 during good times) – negative

    9. Visa (V-NYSE) not participating in the recent rally in financials on increased consumer credit default worries – negative

    10. Commercial REITs that haven’t cut their distributions yielding 12-16%, while those recently did are yielding 8-10%, which is still extremely high – negative

  2. Alpha says:

    Also, Silicon Valley unemployment just hit 11% – very negative.

  3. Sean Vrbica says:

    11. Eaton Centre still packed with people buying useless crap – positive.

    12. Berkshire Hathaway’s credit ratings cut from Aaa to Aa2 by Moody’s – negative.

    13. M&A activity increasing (Oracle/Sun, PepsiCo/Bottlers, Glaxo/Stiefel etc.) – positive.

    14. Of the billionaires included on Forbes most recent rankings, only a handful increased their wealth; most notably Joaquin Guzman…a drug dealer – negative.

    15. Krispy Kreme (KKD:NYSE) reports a loss of $303,000, or less than a penny per share, during its fourth-quarter compared with a loss of $31.8 million, or 50 cents per share, a year earlier – positive.

    16. Only future "accountants-to-be" from my business program were able to secure internships for this summer – negative.

  4. Mark McQueen says:

    Thanks readers. Love the added insight. Must be a terrible time for a summer internship / co-op placement.


  5. Sean Vrbica says:

    Yeah, it’s pretty bad. Partly because university students, particularly in finance, now have to compete not only amongst themselves for jobs but also with individuals who have 10, 15, or even 20 years experience and have recently been let go. But more so because a number of the companies that used to dish out a lot of placements are no longer around!

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