Skapinker gives his homeland the Bronx Cheer part 2

4 responses

  1. matt roberts says:

    Thanks for this Mark.

    Ian and I were actually having a drink on Friday night and neither of us had caught wind of it before we parted company. At this end the article (misquoted as it may have been) drew some surprised looks on his reasoning as to the problems affecting the industry.

    Our group, with Terry loudest of all. Has been trying to find ways to attract attention to the issue, and actively trying to counter it. The number of players we’re working with inside of Canada (and out) is not shrinking but actually growing. The number of governments who are, all be it not enough, recognizing some level of stimulant is needed (not buildings) – is growing.

    I am actually more positive about the prospects of VC’s and entrepreneurs in Canada today than I was 6 months ago.

    The article certainly doesn’t represent the work VC’s are doing together to try and bridge the gap, which is a shame.

    Hopefully, these thoughts will rank a bit higher in any google searches.


  2. Mark, just a note that the comment by “Jeremy B5” was NOT made by me. This is fairly easy to deduce, based on 3 very simple points:

    1. No CEO spells his company name wrong (it’s “b5” for short, not “B5”)
    2. I always comment with my full name. I don’t believe in anonymous comments, and have only commented anonymously twice in the last 10 years.
    3. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t blame investors for any of the current issues. I don’t actually blame everyone. In fact, I don’t care who’s to blame (if anyone is). My interest is in moving us forward (and Rick’s recent post on farm team’s is a fab initial thought on this).

    Either way, let me be 100% clear: Mark and the BS team are amongst the top in the country (along with Rick/JLA, Mike/Edgestone, Jeff/Rho, TechCapital and a handful of others). I won’t say that other funds suck, just that my experiences with all of these individuals and funds has been absolutely professional and top notch and I would be *honoured* to work with any of them again in the future.

    I’ve commented on the WSJ article, and will be blogging about this momentarily, as some folk seem to think this comment was actually me (it doesn’t even SOUND like me… far too coherent and unrambly, heh).

    Anyways, any further questions, feel free to ping me on my cell: 416 726 3602. This was NOT me, and doesnt’ in ANY way represent my thoughts on this, Mark or the BS team.

  3. David says:


    Might want to review/edit comment #2 above.

    I am amused by "No CEO spells his company name wrong (it’s “b5? for short, not “B5?)" followed by "Mark or the BS team"

    Might want to be nice to him and remove his cell phone number as well.


  4. David, note that it’s "BS" (ie: Brightspark), not "B5" (ie: b5media) in my comment.

    Also, my phone number’s been public (and has been on my blog) for 7 years now. And you get far fewer calls than you think you would.

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