Worried about RIM

4 responses

  1. Tom Purves says:

    I’d be more worried about android/google phones. They have keyboards like the blackberries and the second generation devices coming out end of this year (from many manufacturers) are rumored to be very very good. Watch next for waves of cheap and good smart phone hardware coming from chinese manufacturers based on the (free) and well-supported android platform.

    and then don’t forget even palm coming back from the grave with the pre.

    The smartphone tsunami is coming. This will be great for consumers and business users. Not so great news for certain stalwart Canadian device makers who used to have a big part of the playground to themselves.

    The pace of innovation in smartphones is going to be relentless over the next few years. And the major area of competition will be at the OS/software-platform ecosystem. Let’s hope RIM has what it takes to keep up.

  2. duncan stewart says:

    I agree with almost all of your thoughts — and AAPL laying down great numbers last night shows that RIM could be doing better, even in a recession. (If AAPL can have rising ASPs and gross margins, why can’t RIM?)

    But I have to push back on the Globe and Mail ads being a negative datapoint. Coca Cola has been around for over a hundred years, but they still advertise Coke, even in Atlanta where folks drink it with breakfast. That is one of the problems with chasing the consumer market: you have to spend like crazy to make sure they’ve heard of you — and then you have to KEEP spending to make sure they don’t forget!

    I am less sure that Android will be the threat that Tom thinks — it reminds me a bit of Linux. A good product that ought to have higher market share…but never does.

  3. Sean Vrbica says:

    You’re not the only one worried…Eric Sprott made a call about a week or so ago to short RIM based on similar concerns. According to Sprott, "it will become increasingly difficult for RIM to maintain current profitability levels and continue to grow revenue figures as the BlackBerry encounters increased competition around the world." I couldn’t agree more – there are too many other smartphone options out there for consumers to choose from that cost a hell of a lot less money than a BlackBerry.

  1. January 31, 2010

    […] about Research In Motion’s (RIMM) market positioning (see my October 2009 post, “Worried about RIM”), I mused that one investment idea for tech saavy folks was to own both Apple (AAPL) and […]

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