Dear Sir, about your biased news article

3 responses

  1. Ted says:

    Despite still being in a tryptophanic haze as a result of last night’s bird binge, the reading of this blog has reignited my feelings about Canada’s National Newspaper. If the Toronto(red) Star were to ever go the way of the Telegram, the G&M would quickly become the standard bearer for all that is socialist in this country. With whiners like Simpson, Wente, Barber, et al, it does what it wishes with the facts and ignores the rest. Keep Rex Murphy, but discard the rest of the deck—a group of Jokers.

  2. J. Garner says:

    You probably made Josh’s day with your response. As you well know, writers love to attract a following, whether its for or against them.
    But before you got aboard, the TPA was a joke and the only criteria for its existence seemed political. So I think a lot of Torontonions come to it with a negative view.

    I flew Porter twice last summer, and if it goes where I am going, it’s the only way. So all that improves the access and terminal is good.

    Anyway, I stopped at your blog because I like your comments about to sell or not to sell Toronto Hydro. Same goes regarding certain provincial assets.

    Maybe you should run for mayor, then we wouldn’t have to choose between whichever comes to be the least worst of the two bald guys. As for the guy who may be in or may be out of the running, now with his track record, I don’t think voters will give him the time of day.

    P.S. I talked with your Dad a few times years ago about stuff he was writing. I didn’t know you were related until that article this past summer. I vaguely recall there was some friction in that article, too. Oh, well! Run for mayor.

    But why would anyone.

  3. Ted says:

    Mark, on Dec. 26th I responded to your blog with a critique of the G&M staff and suggested that all but Rex Murphy should be discarded. Interesting then that he should no longer be there, but rather with the National Post. suggests that he was forced out of the G&M because of his “climate change denial”. Another case of a global warming agnostic being excommunicated by the High Priests of the New Religion. BTW, nice deal with SkyLink.

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