RIM chooses share buyback over an 8.5% dividend

2 responses

  1. Tom Liston says:

    Dividends are taxed. Buybacks lower shares outstanding and thus boost EPS. I have a slightly different view, I do not think investors *generally* give enough credit for cash. But they do value EPS increases. And perhaps the EPS boost at a constant multiple will boost the share price. Thus, your net worth goes up and you will not have to pay taxes until you sell – and it will be a capital gain.

    As for " No strategic buyer ever really pays for the cash on hand when they bid for a company." Open Text buying Vignette?

  2. Philip Papadopoulos says:

    RIM needs to do better than buyback shares or declare a dividend. It needs to invest more capital both human and monetary into fending off the attack from Apple and Google. Push email was disruptive when it came out almost a decade ago, but everyone does it now. What will the next disruption be? And where will it come from?

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