Rep. Pete Hoekstra: "Being lucky can't be our national security strategy"

1 response

  1. Tom Liston says:

    I love when politians take centre stage after the fact and give brilliant advice like U.S. intelligence efforts have to “be better.”
    Yep. Care to give us real advice. No – just “be better.”

    I completely agree with the overall message of your article, however to give credit to Mr. Hoekstra and to give him additional press is questionable.

    I would first have you submit what Mr. Hoekstra put forward – specific solutions – after the Christmas episode. If he’s just the guy that yells there is a fire – and does nothing about it, why are we validating his comments.

    So I did a quick search on his track record. And within his Wikipedia entry we find an older article “Rep. Pete Hoekstra Details His Breakthrough WMD Report”

    “These weapons continue to pose a threat to our troops. They continue to pose a threat to the people in Iraq. And, perhaps, if these weapons were ever transported somewhere else, they would pose a threat to citizens of other countries.

    These materials are still very, very deadly”
    – Rep. Pete Hoekstra. 2006

    Now here is a man with creditability! Hence my concern for continuing to give him a platform.

    “As of September 17, 2007 some news outlets reported that the Congressional committee Hoekstra had overseen had created “erroneous” and “misleading” reports about Iran’s nuclear capabilities.” – Hoekstra Wikipedia entry

    Let’s quote real leaders. With solutions to issues. Not the first guy to yell fire.

    This comment isn’t meant to take away from presenting and addressing an important issue – just the person you’ve chose as the messenger is very questionable.

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