Wellington & O'Leary Funds to merge

9 responses

  1. Willhelmson says:

    I applaud Wellington’s move to expand its asset base, and coming to realize that it is in fact operating in the “Decade of Daddy”!

    Giving O’Leary investors access to Wellington’s substantial returns while allowing Wellington investors to “get paid while you wait” is a win-win situation if I’ve ever seen one.

    The next step of course is to take the combined investment company public so that public stockholders can profit off of the steady stream of MER level returns.. -Profit!

  2. JG says:

    It is April 1st today correct?

  3. Jeff says:

    April Fool…?
    I’m assuming it’s an April Fool…

  4. can’t go wrong hooking up with KO the ‘Rock Star’!


  5. AT says:

    April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Roman Levandovsky says:

    This is awesome! Got me on this one Mark … Good thing you posted the next post about the true nature of OGE and O’leary’s experience and track record.

    I was starting to have doubts I should continue reading this blog 🙂

  7. Willhelmson says:

    I have it on relatively good authority at least one senior bay street banker thought it was real and forwarded this to his clients..

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