"Clear and Present Danger"
If it worked for President Bennett in that fabulous movie, perhaps U.S. President Barack Obama should ask the White House Counsel’s office to prepare the necessary paperwork to declare the pending debt ceiling nightmare a “Clear and Present Danger” to the national security of the United States.
Between Afganistan, Iraq, and the DHS/TSA/FBI/CIA War on Terror, the U.S. government and its frontline forces of various stripes are subject to countless hourly threats. And the President can’t run the risk of not paying for troops and fuel and internet connections at literally thousands of relevant touchpoints around the globe. And that’s ignoring the simmering feuds that engulf North Korea and Pakistan.
Perhaps the Treasury Department can get by for a few days, but once August 2nd passes without the sky falling, the recalcitrant members of Congress will truly start to tempt fate. That’s the lesson of the government shutdowns of the mid 90s. Like the University student that hasn’t fallen over after shot #65 of the “Century Club”. Hey, this isn’t so bad…I can keep right on going.
Which will provide the President with the opportunity, should the August 2nd deadline come and go, to sign an Executive Order to increase the debt ceiling to pay for the frontline security forces currently protecting the United States from its enemies, both at home and abroad. For good measure, he might as well fund it by budget cuts and new taxes.
Someone will challenge it to the Supreme Court, but that takes time. The Congress will be painted into a corner by a decisive President, who might be able to claim the moral highground if this week’s barrage of irate voter calls and emails is any indication of the mood of the American voter. If President Bush could authorize necessary torture in this fashion, perhaps it is time to break the glass and grab the trusty pen.
If he were the National Security Advisor today, I’m sure James Cutter would approve.
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