Maybe Zuck can give Canada a National Securities Regulator

2 responses

  1. Andy R says:

    Yeah, and to heck with that pesky constitution and its troublesome enumeration of respective provincial and federal responsibilities.

    I am with you…just go with rule of Facebook…rule of law is so old-fashioned.

    Running for cover now…

  2. Mark McQueen says:

    Thanks for stopping by Andy

    What does the 1867 concept of “property” rights have to do with a Vancouver-based public company looking for gold in Africa? I will offer that had Sir John A. been asked his view on that, he might have said: business in Africa? That sounds like a foreign enterprise, and therefore Ottawa’s proper domain.

    My guess is that my Ontario-based ancestors of that vintage, and those of my wife’s, may have advocated for local authority over their farm property, apple trees and cattle. But I’m going to take a leap and say that buying shares in an African gold exploration company didn’t likely come up at the dinner table in 1867.


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