C.D. Howe report recommends BDC mandate shake-up

1 response

  1. Congratulations Mark! You have long championed the abuse of power which has been taking place in this area. I have witnessed your comprehensive and articulate presentations to some of those “powers that be” in Ottawa. They nod in understanding, agree that something needs to be done, but still the abuse, and that is an appropriate word, the abuse continues.
    As you know given your participation in the consultation process, there was a legislated 10 year review which the Senate looked at and then, and then …, well that is exactly your point isn’t it? There has been no “and then …”, nothing further of substance.
    This Ottawa mentality that “well, if it is an abuse, it is a minor, infrequent, victim less one” preferable to the unpleasant business of sorting through this mess with our Board of Director friends, or our public servant colleagues who are advancing their careers through the bragging rights of the multi-million dollar deals they have put together.
    While we are at it, as you also say, do we really need a BDC and an EDC with marble offices on the same city block in many cities?
    Time is long past for the Finance Minister and Prime Minister to turn their attention to this and set things right. Speaking of Wright, let us hope that Nigel gets a copy of the report as well. No, it will not be the most pressing issue on his desk by any means. Still, this type of government abuse is what he can appreciate and came to Ottawa to help set right.
    Left foot, right foot, onward … keep going Mark.

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