2013 Toronto Garrison Ball
I got a few questions about the 2013 Toronto Garrison Ball after the Globe and Mail ran coverage of it in the paper this morning, so I thought I’d fill you in on what it all was about.
The tradition started in Vancouver post-WWII, and has continued in Toronto for decades. The Garrison Ball allows naval, air and army officers in the Greater Toronto Area to gather with their friends in an evening of pageantry and camaraderie. The history and traditions of the Ball exemplify the military’s allegiance to Her Majesty and to Canada. The event was timed to mark some important anniversaries associated with the War of 1812, including the Battle of York in April 1813.
For 2013, The Royal Canadian Navy was given the opportunity to lead the organization of the Ball, under the sponsorship of Vice Admiral Paul Maddison, CMM, MSM, CD, Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy. The event’s charity was Wounded Warriors.
Vice-Admiral Maddison asked me to Chair the event and help make it a success as one of my duties as a 2012-vintage Honourary Naval Captain (thus my Naval mess kit in the photos). The event committee and organizing team comprised of a great group of volunteers, RCN officers and a small contingent of Yorkers: Caroline Mulroney Lapham (Co-chair, whose husband is a direct descendant of the 1812-era U.S. Secretary of War ironically), City Councillor Paul Ainslie, HCol Darrell Bricker, Cdr Cal Bricker, Maureen Harquail (Program Chair), Lyndsey Fisk-Calhoun, Ken Rotman, HLCol John Wright, Cdr Tim O’Leary, Lt(N) Beth Lei, SLt(N) Stefan Pohl and MS Alex Grinchteine.
One highlight of the night was the recognition paid to a few veterans: Andy Irwin – who, as a young gunner in the destroyer HMCS ALGONQUIN supported the liberation of France on D-Day, participated in convoys on the bitter and harsh Murmansk Run, and covered air strikes on the battleship TIRPITZ. Jack Foote – who served on motor torpedo boats in the Second World War with famous Canadan artist Tony Law. And Master Seaman Mike Boyes, a member of YORK and a recent veteran of Kandahar.
On behalf of the Mississauga of the New Credit First Nation, we were joined by Ms. Carolyn King and Mr. Stacey LaForm. The Mississaugas fought valiantly through the War of 1812, including in the Battle of York (on April 27th there will be a number of commemorations for the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of York).
Political representatives included: The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour, MPs Chris Alexander, Bernard Trottier, Dr. Kellie Leitch and Chungsen Leung; Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and Councillor Paul Ainslie. The fact that we got out so many members of the House of Commons on a Saturday night speaks to the importance of the local Garrison (militia) and York sailors to the folks who represent us in Ottawa.
We attracted a wonderfully supportive group of corporate sponsors: Clairvest Group Inc. (Presenting Sponsor), Barrick Gold and our firm Wellington Financial, Norton Rose LLP (Veterans Sponsor), Waste Management, Ipsos, Toronto Port Authority (Reception Sponsor), National Bank and True Patriot Love Foundation. They made the event very cost-effective, as did the many corporate in-kind donors: Birks Jewelers, Glenfiddich Scotch, Labatt Breweries, Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Team Up Foundation, Purdy’s Chocolates, the Toronto Zoo and VIA Rail Canada.
One Bay Street attendee gave the night his highest form of compliment: “It wasn’t just another ‘Hi, Hi’ corporate event. It was alot of fun.” The night provided Bay Street with a perfect opportunity to mix with the new Chief of the Defence Staff, General Tom Lawson, and the local folks in uniform — many of whom were back from recent missions in such places as Afganistan, the Caribbean Sea, Haiti, off the coast of Libya and in her skies, Mali, the Pacific, Sierra Leone, and off the coast of Somalia.
As the Prime Minister and our Vice-Admiral are wont to remind us: “Canada’s economy floats on salt water”. Hope to see even more corporate support next year. Thanks to all for a great night.
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