Tagged: bank loans

Canadian bank loans up $10B from lows

According to data released by the Bank of Canada, commercial and corporate lending by Canadian Chartered banks jumped $2.2 billion during the month of March. Borrowers have clawed their way back to levels last...

Canadian corporate bank loans hit new 39 month low

According to data released by the Bank of Canada, commercial and corporate lending by Canadian Chartered banks has dropped to depths not seen since May 2007. The category is “Business loans to Canadian residents...

Canadian corporate bank loans hit three year low

According to data released by the Bank of Canada, commercial and corporate lending by Canadian Chartered banks has dropped to depths not seen since June 2007. The category is “Business loans to Canadian residents...

Is the credit crunch ending?

The credit crunch is starting to thaw a snick. According to data just released by the Bank of Canada, commercial lending had its first uptick month in December ’09. The category is “Business loans...

CDN bank business loans drop $5.9B in January

For those who might have missed the release from the Bank of Canada, aggregate Canadian bank loans to businesses dropped $5.9 billion between December 2008 and January 2009. Business loans are now back to...