Tagged: toronto port authority

Public Service can be truly rewarding

Well, wasn’t that an experience! I’ve bored you all with the occasional vignette of my time as a member of the Board and Chairman of PortsToronto (aka the Toronto Port Authority) for the better...

Adam Vaughan is at it again

For those of you who love the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, the name Adam Vaughan might ring a bell. He’s the talkative Toronto City Councillor who has tried for years to close your...

Cast your vote for TPA's Sail-In Cinema

It has been many moons since I bothered you with anything to do with the cut-and-thrust down at the Toronto Port Authority. But since so many of you enjoy films, I wanted to apprise...

Bridging the facts of a bridge

Everything seems so simple from the outside. If you get a call tonight from someone claiming to be a pollster asking for your preference between a “$38 million bridge or a $65 million pedestrian...