Tagged: venture capital fund

The Irish lead the way

This isn’t a post about The Open. Something bigger than chasing the white ball around a course in Scotland. Courtesy of AltAssets, I’ve come to learn that the Irish Government has re-launched a 500...

All's well in New Jersey's VC land

Dateline: Princeton, New Jersey Your roving reporter brings more news from our southern neighbour. With street names such as Sand Hill Road and a development called Menlo Park, it should come as no surprise...

Ontario Finance Committee appearance

Whew. That was fast. The CVCA GR team of Exec Director Richard Remillard and I appeared before the Ontario Legislature’s Finance Committee, made our few points, responded to two questions, and promptly left. And...

Ontario Government as V.C.?

What’s that well-worn phrase, “government’s shouldn’t pick winners and losers”? If you’re a purist, hold onto your chair. The press release is skinny on details, but the Ontario government has just announced a new...